Discover Canada Tours - Join the Team! Job Board / Bus Yard & Fleet Assistant (Co-op Available) / Apply Bus Yard & Fleet Assistant (Co-op Available) Personal Information First Name * Last Name * Email * Phone * Country * Postal Code * Professional Details Resume * Resume must be larger than 0 bytes and less than 25 MB. Cover Letter * Cover Letter must be larger than 0 bytes and less than 25 MB. Personal Information What is your current work status in Canada? If you are on a work permit or study permit, how long is it valid for? * Why do you want this job? * Do you live in Vancouver or the lower mainland (Please indicate the area)? Are you able to get to Canada Place (where most of our tours depart from) early in the morning? Do you drive or do you have a car? * Do you have a class 5 or equivalent licence with 2 years experience? * Do you have any long vacations planned? * What is your general availability like and should you be successful in your application when would you be available to start? * Submit